

How to Clean Out Your Wardrobe & Tips for Organizing Closet

How to  Clean Out Your Wardrobe & Tips for Organizing Closet


It's time to organize your closet. How to Declutter it 

Guys, we understand it! It is hard to let go of charming small things that once brought you joy. That outfit, which you wore on your first date, is no longer anything close to being the same color. That pair of boots that you bought at the big deal but that usually hurt your toe. Some of these things hold memories and sentiments, making it difficult to let go and move on.

But if your closet is overflowing with items and all you can think of when you stand in front of it is "I don't have anything to wear," it's time for some harsh love, sweetie!

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How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

It's time to adopt an organizational perspective. Utilize these suggestions to assist you in completing the chore of cleaning out your closet because it is not an easy one.

Step 1: Make a Cleaning Appointment

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

If you are reading this, it is likely that you are either considering taking on this project or that you have made the decision to finally get rid of all the items you don't wear. However, you might be thinking, "How can I begin clearing out my closet?"

Going through your closet without a plan might be overwhelming. Make time for preparation by blocking off that period of time on your calendar. Making this a priority task in your schedule will make it more difficult to avoid. If necessary, make the whole day free. In order to avoid becoming sidetracked, you can even employ a babysitter. Put your phone aside, turn on some music that will keep you inspired for the next few hours, and then get started.

Step 2: Make a Huge Pile Out of Everything In Your Closet

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

What's the most effective approach to organize your closet? Start by emptying your entire closet, including the hangers, and setting everything on the bed. You are now unable to go to sleep until the project is finished, so you have no reason to pause until it is. As you put back items you want to keep, this will also offer you a visual of the space in your closet so you can see what will fit comfortably.

Step 3: Scrub Your Closet Thoroughly

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

Next, while the closet is empty, clean the interior. Clean the light fixtures, vacuum or sweep the floor, then dust and wipe down the shelves and racks. While you pick which garments to retain and which to donate, leave the closet door open so that it can air out.

4. Sort Clothing Into Piles For Keeping, Donating, and Discarding

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

It's time to get to the meat of the matter. As you go over each item on your bed, divide it into three groups:

  • clothing that you intend to keep.
  • Items in decent shape that you don't need.
  • Anything that must be discarded immediately.
Don't second-guess yourself after adding something to a pile. To maintain momentum, keep moving.

5. Clean Up the "Keep" Pile

It's simple to sort clothing into the "keep" pile, but don't get carried away; you can't keep everything. To determine what belongs in your closet, abide by this list.

  • combining items that work in any season.
  • Things you desire and have worn in the past 12 months.
  • You can combine clothing and accessories with any trend.
  • staple and regular outfits that you can change with the seasons.

A). How to Select the Clothes You Want to Keep

Answer the following questions or take our closet cleaning quiz to determine whether a specific item is valuable to your wardrobe if you're still unsure of what to keep in your closet.

  • Would I purchase this now?
  • Does this suit my way of life?
  • I haven't worn this in a while.
  • In the coming months, when will I wear this?

B). Examine the Marie Kondo Method

"Does this thing make me happy?" When decluttering your closet, the acclaimed Japanese organizing guru Marie Kondo advises you to focus on this key topic. So, while you sort through your clothing, give each item some thought. Do you feel less than your best when wearing a particular top? You won't wear something if it doesn't make you feel good. Why keep it in your closet? It serves no purpose.

In addition, Kondo advises focusing on what you want to keep rather than what you want to get rid of. Instead of fretting about some outdated garments you don't desire, shift your attention to something you genuinely enjoy.

Step 6. Discard Whatever You Don't Need.

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

It's time to decide what won't be put back in your closet now. To choose what to purge, use this list.

  • How to Clean Out Your Closet of Clothes
  • not fitting clothing.
  • anything that you have extras of.
  • items that don't fit your style anymore.
  • unused or only sometimes used clothing.
  • things you used to wear frequently but no longer like.
  • Items and accessories that cannot be worn with other articles of apparel.
  • Anything you promise yourself you'll fix or change but don't.

Step 7. Restore The "Keep" Pile to Your Closet.

How To Clean Out Your Wardrobe Easy Steps

Make a strategy to keep your clothes arranged now that it's time to tidily replenish your closet. If you have the room, put new shelves, acquire storage drawers, or add more rods to help you organize your space. When putting items away, arrange their storage such that it fits with your everyday routine.

If you often exercise, for instance, try keeping your athletic gear nearer to the front of your closet with your everyday business attire. Because you won't need to quickly find them while you're racing out the door during the week, your weekend clothing don't require prime real estate.

16 Easy Tips To Clean Out Your Wardrobe

1. Begin by setting aside some time just for this torture, and try to make it a little more enjoyable with some music and perhaps a few glasses of wine! (No one is keeping score; anything is helpful.)

2. Collect everything you don't want and place it in three boxes labelled SELL, DONATE, and TRASH.

3. Adhere to the 12-month rule. It's likely that you won't wear something again if you haven't worn it in a year (for any reason).

4. Invest in some staples for organization, such as those skinny hangers and shoe boxes!

5. Ask, "Does it fit me?" and be honest in your response. If it doesn't, you already know what to do.

6. Trying everything on, if it helps, will give you perspective.

7. Asking yourself "would you buy this if you were shopping right now?" always helps.

8. Consider how much work it would take to fix it if it is damaged in any manner and decide if you are willing to invest that much time.

9. Lightly clean your closet once a month to make future tasks easier.

10. Make any sales you can. You are more likely to throw something out the more money you make from doing so.

11. Keep winter clothes well wrapped in newspaper and try to show sunlight once a month.

12. Leave the wooden shelves open for a while during the day, so that if air enters them, then the clothes will not smell.

13. You can also use naphthalene tablets to stop the smell in clothes.

14.  Make sure your off-season clothes are completely protected from fungus, moisture and seals. It is better to use an anti-fungal tablet in your wardrobe.

15. Now the most important clothes have to be kept properly. Some clothes can be folded while some have to be hung in a hanger. Keeping this in mind, keep clothes.

16. If you keep purses, perfumes, creams, gels, lotions, face washes and scrubs in your wardrobe, then you can use some other small boxes given in the wardrobe. In this place you can also keep your watch, jewelry, socks.

5 Quick Tips for Organizing Your Closet/Wardrobe

Here are some short tips to help you organize your closet and make some decisions about the things you're still not sure about.

1). First, the One-Year Rule

You probably won't ever wear something if you haven't worn it in the past 12 months. Don't save a T-shirt or a pair of shoes in the hopes that you'll wear them again, and don't try to persuade yourself that you will. Time to let it go is now. Stop making room for it in your home.

2. Insist on Doing the Maybes

Try donning some attire that you're still debating. Pick a day in the upcoming week to wear them, and record how you feel while wearing them. Do these jeans give you a good feeling? Will you repurpose this sweater? Can you style it in some way?

3 . One Thing In, One Thing Out

Going forward, you must get rid of something for every new piece of clothes you purchase. You may avoid your closet getting cluttered once more by doing this.

4. The Hanger Trick 

Make sure all of your hangers are pointing the same direction while reorganizing your wardrobe. When putting an item back on the hanging after wearing it, flip the hanger around. After a month, count the number of hangers that are still pointed in the original direction. Reconsider your need for these garments, and think about donating them. You can control your closet clutter by doing this.

5. Take It Slow and Easy

If the thought of spending many hours organizing your closet overwhelms you, consider incorporating it into your daily routine. Aim to donate five items daily by setting up a box in or near your closet.

Frequently Asked Questions about Clean Out Your Wardrobe (FAQ)

1. How frequently ought I to organize my closet?

"Every season is preferred, but at least twice a year is required."

2. How can I maintain a tidy closet?

When you take something off a hanging, move it to the front of the closet so you always know where your empty hangers are. Label everything in your closet.

3. How much time does it require to organize a closet?

"This could take an hour or a whole day depending on how much clothing you have."

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